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Week 4 Extra Credit Comment

-Yun wrote about how the thing we learn in this class including gender got her thinking about the openness she should look at this society, and how she never paid attention to certain ads after we watched the video of Killing us softly. (habits of mind)

-I commented to her that we should all see things with an open mind, we should not see things in stereotypes and have a shallow and narrow mind to new things, we should accept them with the right understanding.

Shiwei Hu (Chris)

-Chris wrote that in this course he developed a lot of new ideas, including being more curious to the reading we are reading, also he started to engage in this class by searching information about the readings and topic we are doing.( habits of mind)

-I commented about how it is important for us to be interested in the things we learn, we can only study to the best of our ability if we really want to and like the subject, I think that we should have all of these kinds of traits when learning new things.

-Tayven wrote that in this class because there are a lot of concepts we have to understand and a lot of thought we have to go through in our mind so we need to sit from time to time which takes a lot of patience and we have to be persistent. (habits of mind)

-I commented that I agree with his ideas, we need to be persistent so we can have our best understanding on the subject, and I think that the assignments are very interesting so we can really spend a lot of time on it without noticing. I also commented that his fonts are pretty.

-Yian wrote about how the weekly grammar is helping him to get a lot of knowledge on the basic stuff. (What have I learned so far(until the end week 2)?

-I commented to him that I agree with his ideas. I think it is important to have these basic skills for us to be better writers, it is important indeed to have critical thinking and thought but it is also important for us to have basic knowledge about grammar to write better things.

-Alan wrote about how annotating helped him have more cursitoy towards new ideas, and also helped him understand the articles better by knowing the detail of certain words, for example “toxic masculinity”, he never get to know the word before this class and now he is curious on these types of problems. (habits of mind)

-I commented that I have the same feeling toward annotating, it really helped us to engage into the article not just reading it but engaging in it, it let us become more curious about the topic and we can really focus on it.

-Jialin wrote about her engagement in this class, for her to engage in these long readings The close reading really helped, skills in close reading helped her understand the reading and also engage more.(habits of mind)

-I commented that the close reading is really a good strategy that we learned in this class, we can engage more by the close reading practices, and also I commented to her that she said her responsibility is to turn in work because it is very interesting.

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