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The assignment was a podcast created with 3 other group member , we created a microsite with our bio and description of the podcast and a mp4 player to our podcast, in the podcast we talked about marvel hero related to gender role being represented. In this assignment I learned how to link our ideas together also having to produce a talk show that are connected between our class theme and also a topic that is trending.

Pre-Production: Preparation and Planning

"Toxic Masculinity"

From the toxic masculinity assignment, we read the essay about toxic masculinity, it gives me openness to such new idea, I have never thought of this way before taking class. I thought some characteristic of male was natural but it is actually being passed from generations to generations and how some of these trait are outdated, it gives me openness to new things and from these perspective I can better understand gender so I could have a more open mind when looking at gender role being presented in the films and write a better podcast script.


Social Construction

In this assignment we learned the idea of social construction, we might have brief understanding of what is happening around us, but never knew what is all about, after watching the video on social construction I think I could understand the society better. By engaging in the discussion, it helps me form ideas and getting curiosity through doing the assignment, with the discussion reply we can Improve our written literacy, digital literacy, and overall communication skills, by reading other's response and responding to them, in this process we can gather other people's thought also reflect ours on them.


Outline/Script for Podcast

In this assignment we mainly created an outline for the podcast, also reflecting on classmate's part, in the creating of the outline/ script it is a way of learning that I improved my study habit of creativity where I created new things and also respobisbility where I need to finish my part and do my job so in a group within a whole we can acheive a better score, and making a better podcast. This assignment helped with teamwork also conercen for groupmate when creating the outline for the group project.


Production--Creating the Podcast and Microsite


I worked on the microsite for our group, I think the overall design was good, I put on some related marvel image that fits well with our theme; marvel super heroes. I created short description for our podcast, also created a short biography for our group members. In this assignment I learned how to be more creative and also responsibility as I am doing my part of the work.




I think in my script I have illustrated a good point that is kind useful for our podcast to end. Since we were taking our podcast on gender and heroes, I mainly used the fact that as captain marvel is out in the recent years, it really brought the audience to a new level on the idea of gender equality, and it was the first time that gender equality was brought in the super hero movie industry, where female character can truly became what the audience admires it is really powerful for us audience to notice these changes. I stated this in the podcast to let the audience have a better understanding on where our focus is and how did such movie played an important role in the gender value of hero movie with the fact of gender difference. In this assignment I used my openness on things where we can accept changes and new ideas.


Recording Process

I kept time on the recording, made sure that everyone was on their best fit of time, so we could have our best time of our podcast, I made sure with each of one speaking we could be over 20min and under 25min, I also helped to organize the order of our speaking sequence adding some part to connect our ideas, so our podcast could be more clear and understandable. In this assignment I learned responsibility and engagement as I am engaging in the group activity I have a more concise mind on where needed to improve and also responsibility for our groups.


Looking Ahead in Three Paragraphs

Paragraph 1


In the process of making our podcast, we first discussed our ideas to see if we can organize them together and link them together with a connection of each of our group member's ideas. We had different ideas on what we were trying to do, and we could not connect them with other people's idea, we spent a lot of time arguing on what to do with the podcast and how our ideas should be related to gender also on the purpose of linking them together. It was very hard at beginning because we wanted to convey other with our own idea but everyone have a different understanding of the topic, but in the process we all learned more from each other's perspective and changed our ideas, in the end we can all understand other groupmate and finish with a organized idea and connection, even there was different onions we are all trying to improve and do a good work which is good process.

Paragraph 2

I think I really learned a lot in this podcast assignment, I have never created such thing with groupmate, In most assignment we only had to do our own part and say it individually, but in this project we need to considered each other's idea and link them together, which takes more group participation, and for a large assignment like this each of us have to finish our own part which all takes responsibility. I think in future with any work I will have, there will be more project like this where I need to work with my team, in this class I am very lucky that I had few great member that contributed a lot to this podcast, and I learned a lot from them by making this assignment with them. This assignment will always teach me things in my future and I can work better with my teammate on any assignment I do.

Paragraph 3

For our group we did an analyze of 4 marvel super hero character, my groupmate did Iron man, Thor, and Captain America with their respobinslity and masculinity, the male trait being presented in the marvel hero, I learned a lot from just discussing with them, I gathered a lot of new ideas with male trait on the characters. For my own character I did captain marvel because I think since we are doing the assignment related to gender it is always good to brought out different sex in the podcast, and before writing this podcast I have never even watched captain marvel, I was not really interested in the female character, but after researching and studying it, I learned a lot about gender, I start to realize it is very important for us to take a step forward in the direction of gender equality. I have a more openness to new movies with the strong female heroes, I focused on their characteristic and character trait but not gender itself, I think that all gender can be attractive in different ways, and there should be more heroes that are female with the great quality that they have.

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