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Writing Showcase

This page is to show the analysis of my quarter-long process for creating an analysis essay that answers the course question and a reflection of my progress toward Writing 39A: Disney and Gender

 Planning and Exploratory Writing

In this assignment we were to look at a super hero movie and relating it to standard gender value, I picked the film Iron man 3, I did annotations and also wrote an exploratory paragraph based on my annotations. In this assignment I started to focus on super hero movies and how they represents gender, eventually I wrote my final essay on one of the super hero movies, by annotating I develop effective habits for my own writing process, it is an important step in reading difficult essay also watching long films, it help me to review the main idea and point of the essay and let me focus on important ideas, also when writing the exploratory summary, I could link up these annotations to sum up a more concise summarization. The annotation and summarization also creates engagement for me when reading or watching films, it helps me focus on the subject also with a critical and deeper thinking when watching.

Section 1

Peer Review

In the exploratory writing discussion I give out many peer review and also received many of them, these 2 are one of the best that I gave which is about the analysis on the Force Awaken movie about Rey and her characteristic, this helps me improve my ability to write prose that is readable, focused, and full of details, as I can give advice and comment, I must fully understand the person's work and can identity the main focus. The other one is one of the best peer review that I have received, this one was about the introduction paragraph for final essay, the classmate gives me great advice on how to have a specific aspect also to use my personal examples and scenarios, this helps me build flexibility, as i can take on advice and have the ability to adopt to different situations.

Section 2

week 5 annotation
week 9 peer review


I think for this assignment I really learned the importance of self review , getting these revise skills and the ability to review my own work against objectives is crucial. In this assignment one of the problem I found out was that when I used reference, I did not clearly state the author's background and information, I think by doing so would make the references more authorized and help to better support my thesis with the examples. The other problem I found out when revising my essay is that I often construct long and vague sentence, with unnecessary words and statement, also making sentence too long with comma splice problems. These are things that I need to fix, like the professor told me, "one sentence should only contain one idea", this is a very useful information that I would use in my college career.

Section 3

week 2 discussion
week 8 Introduction paragraph


I have a lot of problem in my essay that needs to be fixed. Including punctuations errors, grammar mistakes,  and also lacking some essential detail in paragraphs. However one of the most important  thing I realized is that by adding such information on how Disney has finally reveled a female hero film, and before the audience is mostly males, will make my conclusion to a better level. It works as a topic sentence emphasizing the idea of the paragraph, also concluded idea being mentioned in previous paragraphs. It help reader to better understand certain points in the essay also help to main an organized and clear strucutre.

Section 4

conclusion paragraph
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