Latest Episode
How does Marvel Hero Define Gender
by: Yi, Jerry, Leo, Chris
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The Show
In this episode of the podcast, we mainly focused on characteristic of 4 marvel super heroes, captain America, iron man, Captain marvel, and also Thor, we talked about gender issue also gender role being played in these movies, and from the heroes' personalities we analyzed a lot of traits and characteristic that showed gender role being presented also discussing the value of gender in recent marvel movies.
Jia Sheng Zhu
Hi,my name is Jiasheng(Leo) Zhu. I am a freshman from University of California, Irvine. I am currently studying for the major in Mathematics. I like playing basketball, listening to music. And of course, I am a Marvel fan.
Haoran Jiang
Shiwei Hu
Hi my name is ShiWei(Chris), I am a second year at UCI majoring in CS and I am a big marvel fan especially for Captain America, I like computer and technology related things.
Captain America
Yi Jiang
Hi my name is Yi Jiang, I am a second year math major in uci, I am a MCU fan, and I am a member of the UCI swim club, I like to play video game and watch movie in free time, and this is my first time writing a podcast.
Captain Marvel
Hi my name is Haoran (Jerry). I am a superfan of Iron Man and I have been watching Marvel films for many years since I was in elementary school. I am interested in PC games and robot designs.
Iron Man