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Farewell Responses to SIX classmates

I could not view your part one for some reason, but in your part 2, I agree with you that it was hard to commutate with people that we just met, and especially in this virtual remote learning class. You also mentioned that for some topic it was hard to understand, I agree with you it takes time for us to learn. It was a great experience working with you with the podcast project. You did a very good job on your part of the podcast, also being a great member of our group. Thank you for your hard work, also congrats on finishing the course. We all learned a lot in this class, and I hope you can become a better writer in your future classes.

It is nice to see you understood the idea of social construction in this class, it was something new to us, and also important. You mentioned that one of your problem was your writing skills, I think as English is our second language we still have a lot to improve on, with vocabulary, grammar and other issues. It was a great experience working with you in the podcast, you were a hard worker, and a great attributer to our group, thank you for what you did, and congrats on finishing the course. Hope you can still work hard in your future classes.

Yifei It is important to understand the prejudice on to women with all these false advertisement, it is one important idea that we learned in this class, and throughout the quarter we did a lot of assignment on gender, it increased our knowledge on social constructions. I also have a lot of problems on grammar, it is a very hard skill to be good at, but in this course we practice a lot of use of grammar, from punctuations to redundant sentence. It was a great semester working with you and hope you can always be a good writer in your future classes.

I think peer review is an important thing that we need to focus on, we can learn from other people, from their perspective and give other people opinion on what we think, whether we are correct or not, both the peer and ourselves can can improve together. It was a great experience in this course throughout the quarter, hope you good luck in your future classes.

I agree with you that grammar is a difficult subject for us, and we all need to improve it, we did a lot of McGraw practice in this class, however learning is a conscience thing, and there is no limit of learning, we still need to practice. It was a great experience working with you in the final essay, your suggestions and comment helped me a lot to the finishing of my essay, it gives me new ideas and to look at things in a new perspective, Thank you for what you did, and great luck in your future classes.

I think the process of going back to leave a peer review for our classmate is a great way of reviewing the material for ourselves, it helps us to think more when reading other people's idea, and leaving them with our perspective on the same assignment. We all procrastinate sometimes on our work, it is nice to see that you realize your problems and know where to improve on. It was a experience in this class with you, and wish you good luck in your rest college careers.

In this pandemic time, we could only work online. It is a different experience when working online with other group members. I think by working on the podcast project I learned a lot about teamwork, also communicating with other people. Everyone is different, and each member in our group might have different ideas, it is important for us to communicate our idea and well explains to other, it help us to build skills on teamwork. One person could not do all the work alone, in every stage of our life we all need to work with other people wither they are your colleges or classmate, and learn to work together with them is a important skill. I think throughout these group assignment I learned how to have responsibility, if I was doing the project by myself, I might careless if I got lazy, but in a group project working with others. I knew if I did not do my part correctly, other people will have trouble on this project too, I do not want them to earn a bad grade because of my own false.

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