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Final Reflection Blog

Throughout the semester, I learned a lot in this course. There are too many to talk about, for example collaboration skill when we did the podcast, or grammar improvement when we did the weekly McGraw, but there are two parts where I think I improved the most. One of the two most transformative learning experiences is that in this class we learned about gender construction. Before taking this class I never thought the idea of gender construction, I did not care about what was going on with all these feminist movement, I think the society should just work the way as it is suppose to be. After taking this course I realized the importance of gender, also would view things with a more open mind and a broader view. This helps me to avoid bias in my writings and also helps me to engage in more critical thinking about society problems.

The other improvement was that in this class I adapted a great study habit which is to work on assignments with certain processes, it includes pre-reading, analyzing ideas, finding important information, these processes help me to digest the information and also understand the article or essay better. The assignment we did to analyze the essay and article helped me to adapt this habit, and in the future I will use this kind of strategy on my readings, it can certainly help me to become a better reader.

I also had a lot of problems in this course, I find I struggle with grammar. As a second language learner my grammar is poor, I often would create issues like comma splice, and bad sentence structure. Some of my writing would be misleading and confusing as the grammar is not correct, even though we did a lot of the practice on McGraw, I still finds it difficult to master at grammar when writing, there is a lot of stuff I need to improve in the future if I want to become a better writer.

The other problem is that from time to time I become apathetic towards a lot of stuff, maybe for the first couple of weeks I might be very engaged and enthusiastic, but after a few weeks, especially towards the end of the semester I would become apathetic towards my assignment and my course. I think this very bad consistency is the key to everything, I need to put my effort into the thing I care about, and for me as a student, learning is my job, grade is only a measurement of the course knowledge, I need to really learn with passion. In this class I improved a lot on this, despite of the heavy work assignment, I still find the assignment interesting and engaged in, I hope I can improve in the near future.

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Mar 15, 2021

Hi, Yi Jiang! I was happy that I can be in the same group with you for peer review. We actually gave a lot of useful and helpful suggestions to each other. I also have some problems on English grammar and I just feel the same about, " As a second language learner my grammar is poor", so we need to work hard to improve our ability of English grammar. It is time to say goodbye. May all go well.


Baiyu Wang
Baiyu Wang
Mar 15, 2021

Hello Yi Jiang! Like you as a second language learner, I am faced with man problems in grammar, whether from word selections or sentence structures. It is helpful for me to carefully consider grammar stricter before writing and use Grammaly while doing self-revision. It’s a great honor for me to in a group with you for peer review. You give me a lot of useful feedback, which helps me to improve my essay. I hope that in the future learning process, you can achieve an ideal GPA.


Shiwei Hu
Shiwei Hu
Mar 15, 2021

Hey Yi,

I am so glad with you on that podcast project. You did a great job to trach the time during recording so that we could easily finish it. Also, the microsite you create is excellent, that perfectly shows the details of our podcast and the information we convey to audience. Other than this, I also have the same problem with you that I am hard to motivate myself to do the assignment. It would be better if you could find some fun information in the assignment. Good luck in the rest of college lifes.


Vy Gia Luu
Vy Gia Luu
Mar 15, 2021

Hey Yi,

I also was struggling to find the motivation to finish assignments near the end of the quarter too. It's very smart of you to adopt the mindset of learning with a passion. Through this course, I was also able to notice more of the gender values that society is teaching. Other than that, I hope you the best with your future classes!

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