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Week 3 Blog “Habits of Mind”

Curiosity – After reading the paragraphs of “toxic masculinity”, I realized that some actions and mind sets of a man are sometimes influenced by the society. I became more curious about some of my traits and thought, are they representing the real me or I am doing these thing just to behave like what a normal man should do, these question became essential to me, and I think I should think more about gender which is the topic we are learning in this class and wonder why as human we behave like this, is this sociological problem or is that we are born this way.

Openness – I think after watching the killing us softly I realized that how females are being treated not equally throughout many years, I feel that each gender should be treated equally, and not with the old stereotype.

Engagement – By doing the discussion each week and by response to classmates I felt that the study environment is great and it makes me engage more by interacting with the discussion. I learned how other people think and what ideas I can get from them, also telling them my thoughts and my perspective.

Creativity – By writing all the Discussion in this class I feel like a more creative person by thinking all the new ideas and putting them together, not just the old style of writing it helped me to prove by being a creative writer.

Persistence – I think personally that this class have a lot of work to do, but I never felt that it was boring or lose interest, because all of the work can help me improve to be a better writer and the practice I did in the McGaw helped me with my Grammar a lot, and other reading assignments and reflections helped me to think critically. These are the practices I need, that is why I can stay on the works for a long time.

Flexibility – I think by doing the Peer review I became more flexible with thought and ideas, when reading my classmates’ work I often have different opinions, but after adapting to these ideas I can come up with thoughts on our agreement and where our opinion is different at.

Responsibility – Before taking this class, if I have the chance to get advantage over something I might do, but after taking this class I realized that that would only hurt myself, because with all these work I did in this class i realized that they are for my own good, I learned a lot of knowledge in this class, if I did not take responsibility of them I would not succeed in later day.

Metacognition (reflection) – For each week we are doing a blog, I feel like this is a reflection for us, to gather our thoughts together, and to review ourselves on what we learned, what we can improve on.

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3 ความคิดเห็น

Baiyu Wang
Baiyu Wang
01 ก.พ. 2564

The question and the point you made about curiosity is interesting. Social constructs affect how we perceive the present, but as society evolves these perceptions change, just like how Disney movies portray gender roles at different stages.


Pan Zhang
Pan Zhang
01 ก.พ. 2564

The point you made in the curiosity section is very interesting. Maybe a lot of our temperaments that we think are innate are actually formed by the influence of society.


Jiayi Chen
Jiayi Chen
31 ม.ค. 2564

Your point on curiosity triggers my reflection about what is responsible for my personalities nowadays. I believe social environment and inborn characteristics interactively contribute to it.

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