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Week 2 Extra Credit Blog

-Yun wrote about how she could not organize her work well with grammar and other problem, but she is a great communicator, she just needs to transfer it into writing.

-I commented her with the idea of how to get interested into reading, also talked about how we are both un-familiar with much of the Disney movies as those that have watched Disney while growing up.

-Jiana wrote that writing concise with her words is something she wanted to improve on, and she believe she has the potential to be a better writer.

-I commented about how she her understanding of the syllabus, it is a great analyze and summarizing of the syllabus.

-Cuiwen wrote her strength in organizing essay structures and she did better than she thought on the grammar test

-I commented on her about how we still have a lot to improve in the field of writing, I agree with her that repeating too much unneeded words is a problem that we all needs to think about.

-Yian wrote about how he is living in China because of the covid and could not get a good access to daily English communicating environment and how he did on the grammar test with problem of punctuation.

-I commented on him with the agreement on needing for improvement on grammar, but also we need to improve a lot of other aspect to be a better writer.

-Alan wrote about his experience in Ac 20C, and how his weakness on writing concise, he notice the problem of writing too much unnecessary thing.

-I commented that I often have the same problem, I need to shorten my essay and have more concise way to express my idea.

-Jialin wrote that she have weakness on making connections between paragraphs, also have problem on punctuations.

-I commented that this is a grammar mistake that we all need to focus and we can improve together is this course on grammar mistake.

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