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First skill- annotations

One of the first thing that I've learned in this class is annotating, before taking this class I have never noticed that annotating is a such important strategy while reading a essay or an article, When doing the "Killing us Softly" assignment I realized that annotating is like taking notes, through out all my school experience including math, history, science teachers, all expected us to take notes while in lectures, but not so much in English class, but after doing few of the assignment in this class, I think it is important to take notes even reading a essay, by doing this we could came back to important details, secondly we could memorize these ideas better while writing it and annotating it, and thirdly is that when annotating we would not just read but also think! We are only learning when we are thinking, it help us to think of ideas on our own related to the subject and idea, we will form question on the topic, we can relate to ourselves as making connection with the essay, it can bring our interest, it makes as more focus on the things we are more interested. In this week I watches the "Killing us softly" video, while annotating each idea represented in the video, when writing the summary of the video it saved me a lot of time to back and re-watch the video, also I can learn what kind of ideas I had at the specific time in the video, after watching more of the video, I learned more about feminism and my perspective changed on a lot of the ideas, I can connect them together and learn what kind of thought I was missing and what kid of idea I have now is also a great experience on writing. In the essay about Disney, I used annotate to focus on different subject, I really felt that I can read the essay more detailed than ever and have a more clear understanding of what the author is trying to show us. It helps me to have process in reading. Also relating to the course goal, we can have a more accurate reading and also an engagement in reading.

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